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(646) 350-4006

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Bronx, NY 10470

New York Unmanned Surveillance Services

Effective Surveillance Alternatives


Unmanned surveillance platforms are a recent & exciting development in the private investigations industry. They offer an affordable alternative to traditional surveillance services, and they can also be used to assist in gathering key intelligence to better plan and execute subsequent surveillance operations using on-site private investigators. Claritas Investigations offers unmanned surveillance services in the five boroughs of NYC and surrounding counties. Contact us today to discuss how our unmanned surveillance services can be put to work for you!


Our unmanned surveillance platforms can be discreetly deployed in the vicinity of a subject’s home, work, or other place of interest for up to five days at a time. We are able to remotely view footage from our cameras and adjust their positioning to counter obstructions and capture the footage you need. At the  end of the deployment, we review the video to identify footage relevant to the subject of the investigation and prepare a report that includes a detailed report as well as a secure link you can use to view and download the video.


Traditional surveillance is an excellent investigative tool, but the expense of extended surveillance is often cost prohibitive for many clients. At Claritas Investigations, our unmanned surveillance packages offer clients an affordable solution for monitoring fixed positions for up to five days at a time.

Our covert remote cameras with pan/tilt/zoom capability can provide round- the-clock monitoring that would be impractical to perform utilizing on-site


Not every location is suitable for direct surveillance utilizing an on-site investigator. At Claritas Investigations, our unmanned surveillance platforms allow us to obtain the documentation you need in circumstances where more traditional methods might not work.

Dead-end streets, hyper-vigilant claimants, and inquisitive neighbors are just a few examples of the complications that can arise when trying to monitor a plaintiff or insurance claimant’s residence. Our remote cameras can provide you with clear, high-definition video without raising any suspicions. Don’t miss out on that crucial piece of evidence you need to prevail, call Claritas Investigations today for a free consultation & quote!


The private investigators at Claritas Investigations are experts when it comes to performing surveillance. However, sometimes a client doesn’t have a lot of information about a subject’s activities & routines when they first come to us to request surveillance services. Information is key to good surveillance planning, and our unmanned surveillance platforms are high-tech tools for gathering intel.

Does an insurance claimant leave the house at 6 a.m. everyday or do they typically stay in until noon? Is a subject more active on weekends than on weekdays? Does a cheating husband really stay late at work each night or is he showing up to his girlfriend’s home every evening?

Having answers to these types of questions & more before employing the use of on-site investigators can dramatically improve the chances for a successful investigation while also containing overall costs. Contact us now to learn more about how we can leverage both our manned & unmanned surveillance packages to provide you with a top-tier investigation!

Searching for a private investigator in New York? We offer a free complimentary case evaluation

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